Now-a-days most of the computer techie install their windows copy using usb drives.The reason is Usb drives has advantages over DVD/CD.
- USB can work even dvd writer is not in PC.
- Carry usb is very easy than DVD.
- USB can be format in future while DVD not.
Then, First question is ,
How to create bootable windows 7 USB drive ?
You can make bootable windows 7 USB drive by following two ways:
Using windows Command Prompt(CMD).
Using readymade software or tools.
First Way
- First of all open cmd . To open cmd just press Windows key+R . It will open run screen and type cmd and press Enter.
- Now in cmd start utility called “diskpart” . To start diskpart just type diskpartcommand.

- Now insert your pen drive and run list disk command.This command will show you all drive which is inserted in your PC.

By viewing size column you can recognize your usb drive.My pen drive is of 8GB so in my case it is Disk 2.
- Now type select disk 2.
Note:In my case it is disk 2 but in your case it may be different.
- After selecting disk to view that you select right disk just type detail disk.

- Now just type following command in order.
create partition primary
select partition 1
format fs=ntfs quick
- Generally above step take few minutes. Don’t be frustrated and don’t eject pen drive in the middle of the process. It may take long time. After completing this process run assign command.And then run exit command.
After complete above steps open your windows 7 .iso image in one of the software like magic ISO.Now copy all that content and paste in your pen drive.
After finishing copy/paste work , just eject your usb drive.Now you can use this usb drive like a bootable Windows 7 Dvd.
We are done with the first way.
Second Way
You can make bootable usb drive using available ready made tools.Below are the some of the listed tools.
WinUSB Maker : Download
Key Features:
- Without any OS File Modifications – Your OS is cleanly transfered to a USB device.
- USB OS Transfer is compatible with Windows XP / Vista / Server / 7 / 8.
- Low memory and CPU usage for a fast OS Transfer.
- Metro-UI Based, compatible with Windows XP.
- Compatible with all Microsoft OS with .NET Framework v4.0.
- Backup and Restore is compatible only with the same device.
- MSDOS and GRLDR (Grub4DOS) compatible transfers.
WiNToBootic : Download
Key Features:
- Windows 7/8 focused Boot Disk Maker
- Make bootable USB Flash or Hard Disk
- Support Windows Installation and Portable boot disk
- Support ISO, DVD or Folder as boot disk source
- Very Convenient and Fast
- Standalone
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