Data warehouses are also useful for delivering analytics in a variety of scenarios. Moreover, as emerging technologies mature and older technologies become obsolete, IT teams are often under pressure to modernize. For example, IBM announced that Netezza, a common data warehousing technology, would be discontinued. Administrators are taking a fresh look at the data warehouse as a result of vendor demand and the advent of newer, less expensive technologies. You can get this course Netezza Training available online to gain expertise in Business Process management to advance your career in the direction of IBM Netezza.
Companies are increasingly considering innovative distribution solutions like the cloud, new licensing frameworks like subscriptions and open source, and even new paradigms for data analysis that can save time and resources. You may be one of the many who is reconsidering their data warehouse or approaching the challenge of new in-house technology. Why are graph databases being seen as an alternative to conventional RDBMSs?
Inside a Graph Database
Tables are used to store data in a standard data warehouse scenario using an RDBMS. For instance, you could keep customer details in one database table, products in another, and sales in a third. This is perfect if you want to know how many things you’ve shipped, how much inventory you have, and who your biggest client is. The links between the objects, as well as database functions that will help you make the most of them, are still lacking.

The same data is contained in a graph database but in a non-tabular, just-the-facts format. The simplest way to think of it is that graph databases store information like “John purchased Pepsi.” Sue has been John’s wife for a long time. In Dallas, John resides. Pepsi is a drink. John is a guy. Sue is a woman. Any fact, in any sequence, at any moment. Your queries will then figure out why married people in Dallas are more willing to purchase Pepsi than singles, and they can do so with relatively straightforward syntax and no costly JOINS. Graphs will quickly identify the most successful Pepsi buyers and use other graph algorithms to learn more about them.
Labels on the facts (you might have heard of Labeled Property Graphs) provide additional information to make it much more effective. You can conveniently specify, for instance, that Sue purchased Cup of Noodles (fact) on April 27, 2018, at 11:37 a.m. by using properties (property). The details and properties are structured into a matrix of linked and unconnected data that you can analyze and interpret from multiple viewpoints. While it can seem easy, there are a few benefits.
Simplified Metadata Management
Any analytics department doesn’t have enough time to process incoming data schemas. They’re given data and told to come up with analytics. Schemas and future modifications can be time-consuming to deal with. Due to their compact schemas, NoSQL databases have become popular for their ease of use. Graph databases and the capacity of triples, on the other hand, will make metadata maintenance easier. You will reduce the need for static schemas, complex ETL, and data translation by converting all of the data into triples.
Graphs eliminate the need for JOINS, for instance, to comprehend how to sell to each particular client and it is stored in one table as facts and properties. You don’t have to make a theory or test it to see the associations in the results. Create a knowledge graph and investigate your facts.
In addition, providing meaningful views of disparate data is a central component of master data management (MDM). Graph databases’ fact/property foundations are designed to optimize certain views. A graph can easily model both hierarchical and nonhierarchical master records, making it easier to imagine data relationships than an RDBMS.
Professionals like Aaron Zornes totally agree. Since most early graph database vendors concentrated on transactional systems (OLTP) and couldn’t scale for analytics, graph databases have historically been ignored for MDM. MDM can now be performed in a graph database due to graph online analytical processing (OLAP) solutions that have recently reached the market.
All of the Analytics, plus Graphing and Inference
All of the analytics that an RDBMS can do are widely available in graph databases, including aggregates including count, average, min/max, ORDER BY, and offset functions on strings, numeric, dates, and times. You can also use a graph database to perform industry-standard database benchmarks like TPC-H. The fact that you don’t use SQL for analytics and instead use a SQL-like language like SPARQL or Cypher is maybe a slight disadvantage. Traditional SQL follows the old table schema model which does not store relationship data in the same way as a graph database does. This necessitates the use of a different language. Pagerank, shortest path, weakly connecting components, and counting triangles are only a few of the graph algorithms available in the new language.
The additional graph functions allow you the ability to detect influencers, identify trends in a supply chain, locate a friend or spousal details, handle parent/child relationships with individuals and businesses, and so many more because so many data warehouses interact with customer information.
Inferencing is a powerful function of graph databases that enables inferred relationships to be formed. So, if Jane is married to Jack, it’s reasonable to assume that Jack is married to Jane. Just one of those relationships has to be established before analytics can be performed on it.
What the Future Holds for Machine Learning?
Graph databases will become the default medium for machine learning in the future. When you just have to deal with triples, data manipulation becomes even simpler. So it’s not just about data planning.
In a graph OLAP database, some modern analytics methods (such as deep learning and inferencing) are simpler to support. In a graph database setting, algorithms like pagerank, shortest path, and triangle counting are simpler and easier to use. Principal component analysis (PCA) algorithms are used for everything from risk assessment in financial services industries to genomic research, and the graphing environment is ideal for them.
The last thing you want is a special-purpose database, and it’s obvious that a graph database is way more than that. More businesses are adopting a best-of-breed strategy to broaden the scope of analytics they have.
The natural world is densely associated, and graph databases attempt to intuitively mimic such sometimes-consistent, sometimes-erratic relationships. The graph paradigm differs from other database structures in this way: It corresponds to how the human brain maps and processes the world around it in a more realistic manner. And if you see graphs of linked data in one location, you’ll keep seeing them everywhere. Soon enough, you’ll realize that graphs are everywhere. It’s no wonder, therefore, how graph technology is rising in popularity. Your competitors are almost certainly researching or validating the use of a graph database, so this is your right opportunity to get ahead of the curve and join the industry leaders.