Threat Stack Introduces Context Enrichment for AWS EC2 Instances

Threat Stack Introduces Context Enrichment for AWS EC2 Instances

Threat Stack is the pioneer in cloud security and consistency for foundation and applications. It reported new capacities which assists security groups rapidly recognize and resolve dangers in cloud infrastructure. Threat Stack enhances Linux hosts and occasions in real time using EC2 metadata like security teams, VPC, and DNS names. This additional information permits clients to construct focused on, framework mindful principles, and AI models which drastically decrease bogus positives and diminish ready examination time and again. AWS DevOps Training, you can get to know more about the context enrichment for AWS EC2 Instances introduced by Threat Stack.

With insight into every layer of cloud infrastructure, Threat Stack already had the most in-depth and broad security telemetry in the industry today. The addition of EC2 metadata to our security telemetry is a huge win for our customers as it enables security teams to further reduce their mean time and get back to focusing on proactive security faster.

Brian Ahern, the CEO of Threat Stack

How does Threat Stack leverage the industry’s most developed cloud security telemetry?

Threat Stack clients can more quickly recognize dangers that range various layers of cloud foundation through connecting responsibility events with cloud trail occasions in the Threat Stack Cloud Security Platform. Enhancing workload occasions with EC2 metadata illuminates the ThreatML, Threat Stack’s AI motor which gathers, standardizes, and breaks down more than 60 billion occasions each day from client cloud foundation. The Stack consolidates the irregularity discovery from ThreatML using a pre-constructed and configurable ruleset to identify both known and obscure dangers progressively. The Threat Stack Cloud Security Platform conveys full stack security recognizability among the cloud management host, compartment, console, organization, overseen holders, and serverless layers. This Stack gives the adaptability to burn-through telemetry inside existing security work processes or oversees it with you via the Threat Stack Cloud SecOps Program so that you can react to security episodes and enhance your association’s cloud security over the long run.

Threat Stack’s telemetry information and related standards engine have substantiated themselves over six years in the field, aiding cyber protection groups rapidly distinguish genuine dangers. The solutions ceaselessly screen frameworks across the full cloud stack to gather an arrangement of fundamental telemetry, and we simplify it to trade this information for review purposes and later examination. Threat Stack has consistently gathered EC2 instance data for stock purposes. However, presently, there will at this point don’t be any requirement to go to document information to run it down. The area and all the pertinent context will appear in the alert so the network safety groups can decide the danger level far quicker and, if essential, make a restorative move.

Cloud foundation is profoundly mechanized, fleeting and dynamic, and progressively layered and intrinsic. Conventional frameworks of checking are not, at this point successful; another arrangement of observing practices has developed called observability in DevOps circles, and AWS DevOps Course. Threat Stack applies the standards of discernibleness to foundation security, permitting security experts to hold and adjust to this move.

  • File integrity analysing: Check whether sensitive files are being copied, edited and transferred.
  • Container orchestration analysing: Checking misconfiguration and other danger threats.
  • Vulnerability check: Monitor packages and frameworks including vulnerabilities and references against the identified CVEs.
  • Threat correlation: Checking connections of bad addresses and accepting real time cautions while these links occur.
  • Host oriented intrusion analysis: Finding suspicious events  and characterising rules of alerts.
  • Cloudtrail monitoring: Using behavioural detection to CloudTrail API logs to check unnecessary behaviour inside AWS accounts.
  • Application Security Analysis: Analysing applications for live attacks and vulnerabilities, both reactive and proactive.

Kubernetes & Container Security

Threat Stack container security arrangements reveal security and consistency hazards across Kubernetes, containers , and AWS Fargate while giving continuous context to empower snappy reactions.

  • We give far reaching sets of rules dependent on holder security dangers and best methods to distinguish known dangers to containers and utilise ThreatML to recognize irregularities and obscure danger.
  • Utilize ongoing social investigation to connect measures between the containers, the cloud support, and host frameworks to follow unsafe practices back to their source.
  • Danger Stack can be conveyed into a wide assortment of conditions by means of daemonsets, setup devices, and machine pictures, so you’ll receive  computerized coverage paying little heed to your workflow.

Full Stack Security Observability

The Threat Stack Cloud Security Platform gives full stack security perceptibility throughout the whole foundation stack and across the application advancement lifecycle.

  • Embrace Change: Robotize cloud security so that it could scale and get along with the alterations in your foundation.
  • Approve : Screen client, interaction, organization, and document practices to approve controls.
  • Predict: Utilize profound telemetry investigation and context to efficiently anticipate hazards.
  • Explore : Upgrade workflows and frameworks for scientific examinations.

Consistency For Cloud Workloads

Threat Stack assists you to demonstrate cloud consistency with security and administrative principles to evaluators and clients with pre-assembled rulesets planned for a considerable lot of the major administrative consistent norms.

  • A single click cloud compliance controls : Threat Stack’s pre-constructed consistency rulesets, you can start on controls immediately and effectively demonstrate compliance to examiners and clients.
  • Stay compliant during rapid alterations: Threat Stack consistently screens your foundation and encourages you to construct security controls into your work processes and methods, creating it simply to demonstrate you’re agreeable as you scale and add new administrations and innovations like Kubernetes,  Docker, and serverless.
  • Access guidance from Professionals: Threat Stack’s group of specialists will assist you fabricate a methodology to robotize security and cloud consistency rehearses, and compliance turns out to be essential for your cycles particularly not a steady interference.


Security experts will actually want to put together and focus on cautions dependent on the climate, case type, IP addresses and various different components. Clients will actually want to construct focused on, framework standards that utilize AI models to significantly decrease the quantity of false positives. Threat Stack previously had the most complete cloud security telemetry in the business, and with the expansion of EC2 metadata to the security telemetry creates it more important and helpful. Associations can altogether decrease their mean time to-know and invest more energy zeroing in on security.

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